Event Recap: STLNOMA Presents Informative A.R.E. Transition Workshop
On Saturday, March 24, STLNOMA held an all day A.R.E. study workshop. The objective was to assist those individuals transitioning from...

Minority Architect Call to Lecture at Local University
Kris Wells, president of the NOMA student chapter at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, is in search of a minority architect who...

Join CSI - St. Louis Chapter Events
Fellow STLNOMA member Michael Byrd, President-Elect of Greater St. Louis Chapter CSI has extended an invitation to join CSI (St. Louis)...

STLNOMA to Host A.R.E. Learning Sessions
ARE 4.0 RETIRES JUNE 30, 2018 With this is in mind, STLNOMA will be presenting an ARE4.0/5.0 transition workshop with collaborative...